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Posted by : Unknown Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Name : Romy Hermawan
NIM    : 1801378902
Class : LD001
Lecturer: Ir. Tri Djoko Wahjono,M.Sc

6. What hardware capability that first appeared in the IBM 704 computer
strongly affected the evolution of programming languages? Explain why
The Hardware Capability that IBM 704 had  is the indexing and floating-point.Its capabilities prompted the development of Fortran because it was able to support floating-point operations hardware.

7. In what year was the Fortran design project begun?
May 1954

 8. What was the primary application area of computers at the time Fortran
was designed?

9. What was the source of all of the control flow statements of Fortran I?
They were based on 704 Instructions

10. What was the most significant feature added to Fortran I to get Fortran

The Independent Compilation of Subroutines

6. Make an educated guess as to the most common syntax error in LISP 
The most common syntax error in LISP programs are forgot to used semicolon(;) at the end of statement, missing left Brace or right Brace, input the wrong variable (because it's sensitive-case), forgot to write "&" when used "scanf", etc

7. LISP began as a pure functional language but gradually acquired more 
and more imperative features. Why?
Actually the main reason to asnwer why LISP gradually acquired more imperatibe features because McCarthy(as a developer of LISP programming Language) wants to increase its execution efficiency.

8. Describe in detail the three most important reasons, in your opinion, 
why ALGOL 60 did not become a very widely used language
1. ALGOL 60 had a features that too flexible, and it caused difficult for user to learn and It's inefficient in implementation.

2.Then the most important reason that ALGOL 60 was not very widely used was because of a lack of support from IBM, who was at the time the preeminent company for using computer languages. 

3. Based on Sebesta(2002, p. 60) notes that its association with BNF alienated the language as strange and complicated. If programmers are not excited about using a language, they will always find a different one.

9. Why, in your opinion, did COBOL allow long identifiers when Fortran 
and ALGOL did not?
COBOL required the manager without a background in programming language, so, English should be used as much as possible. And it caused identifiers to be longer. Sebesta (2002, p. 57) states that “[ALGOL] identifiers were allowed to have any length, as opposed to FORTRAN’s restriction to six or fewer….” FORTRAN was also a much older language that was built during a time of very little memory and a focus on syntax “as close as possible to standard mathematical notation” leaving little room for long identifiers.

10. Outline the major motivation of IBM in developing PL/I.
Like Fortran, PL/I was developed as an IBM product. By the early 1960s, the users of computers in industry had settled into two separate and quite different camps: scientific and business. From the IBM point of view, scientific programmers could use either the large-scale 7090 or the small-scale 1620 IBM computers. This group used floating-point data and arrays extensively
For business applications, people used the large 7080 or the small 1401 IBM computers. They needed the decimal and character string data types, as well as elaborate and efficient input and output facilities. They used COBOL, although in early 1963 when the PL/I story begins

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